to Newmarket Girls’ National School Website
Fáilte chuig suíomh idirlíon Scoil na gCailíní Áth Trasna.
Our school is situated on the edge of Newmarket town. We are an all girls school and we have served the pupils of Newmarket since 1925.
There are currently 112 pupils in our school. We have five class teachers and one full time Special Education Teacher. We have two full time S.N.A’s.
In Newmarket Girls’ School we aim to provide a caring, learning environment which facilitates the nurturing of each pupil’s educational potential. The achievement of this aim informs all the planning processes and activities which occur in our school. Teachers and parents are partners in our pupils’ education – with co-operation between home and school being a vital ingredient in the educational process.
Every effort is made to ensure that children will have a successful, happy school experience.
Our school is a Catholic School seeking to promote good values, morals and opportunities for prayer. Enrolment is non-selective. Children of other faiths and none and children with special educational needs are welcome.
While striving to provide the highest quality of teaching and learning possible, we aspire to develop the full potential of each child – academic, spiritual, social, physical, cultural, moral, emotional and aesthetic.
Our school motto is:
“Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh sí.” (Praise will help our young people to grow.)
Latest News
May 2019
Duhallow Schools G.A.A
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Our World Irish Aid Project 2019
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April 2019
World Book Day 2019
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March 2019
Irish Aid Project 2019
As part of their Irish Aid Project sixth class recorded [...]